Following the Birth
Everyone has a unique experience of giving birth, and what comes afterward. Some issues come up regularly with many women, and it’s best to be aware of them ahead of time.
Mother nature has a whole host of unexpected treats in line for women after giving birth, like the need to get your pelvic floor muscles back into shape.
Same goes for breastfeeding, if that’s what you opt for – we’ve got just the people you need to speak to, who can answer any questions you may have, and can direct you to a lactation consultant if that’s what you need.

You don’t need anyone telling you how to deal with your baby’s first few months. If you want to talk, we’re here. We don’t have a fixed point of view. We’re aware that what works for one woman might not work for another, whether you want to talk about bottles, sleep, or any of the 1001 things that crop up when you’ve got a little one.
Sometimes though, that ability to talk about these issues can make a difference, if only to your peace of mind. And that makes it worth doing, for all of us.
Your Midwife and Specialist will be available at any time during the first 6 weeks after birth should you need them, and you will also have a visit booked in at the 6 week stage to monitor your post-natal progress.